First understand what the pill and how it react with our body.
Pill is not a natural core for the body, it is a man-made pill. It is made of strong synthetic forms of oestrogen with the synthetic progestin’s which is totally different fro natural made progesterone. This pill create imbalance. We need balanced progesterone.
As you start to go off the pill, imbalance shoots up and we have to face unbalanced high amount of oestrogen, increasing oestrogen in body that means glut growth developing in the corpse.
The pill also affects our digestion process. The study says that, women been with contraceptive pill for over the year can be develop the yeast overgrowth that called Candida.
How to go off the Contraceptive Pill in 3 Steps
Develop your digestive systems good flora: – Increase immunity power in your body. A good flora is need of body. Without good flora we can’t absorb the nutrients that we are feeding our bodies. You can go for more healthy vegetables and add your own fermented foods that really boost the gut.
Help the liver flush out the excess Oestrogen: – We can say that a liver is the conscientious for the flushing out the glut oestrogen that may stay in your body after pill. By taking liver focused supplement and detoxing the body where you can aid lever.
Use DIM: – Di-indolylmethane and it extracts from vegetables, it detoxifies the glut Xenoestrogens from the capsule, by aid the liver.
All methods of detoxification guarantees that you can come out from these synthetic from your body. Yes, it will take some times for that but you will feel better once you are free from the synthetic in your body.
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Tags: contraceptive pill, sex tips
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 1st, 2012 at 12:32 pm and is filed under human health.
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