Have you always wondered about the common debate regarding men and women? There may be instances in your life when you have been faced by discussions regarding who stands to be better. If the debate is between a man and a woman we obviously know who wins! Here are some reasons worth considering that highlight the fact that women have many fair qualities over men which definitely helps them differentiate in every walk of life.
Women can beat men in bed for sex
1. Talk well
Obviously this point doesn’t need any elaboration. We all know that women are best in all kinds of talk be it winning arguments, persuading, conversing and the list goes on.
2. Better thinkers
Ever thought of the reason why girls are the top rankers in most examinations? Women tend to have a fast paced mind then men. Be it academics or the business world, they are the best at everything.
3.Better cooks
Can any man compete women in the kitchen? From cooking to managing the house, they are perfect at everything.
4. Multitasking
Be it talking on the phone and cooking simultaneously or managing business clients while thinking about the evening’s outing, women are the best at multitasking.
5. Better expression of emotions
Women tend to show better emotions towards any situation. There are many circumstances in personal as well as professional life where men are unable to react or show gratitude thus making the situation worse. But as far as women are concerned they win at their emotion showing capability. A few tears or a heartfelt laugh carefully planned according to the situation, makes them balance any emotional circumstance.
6. Business skills
Women are on an equal platform as men on the business front, aren’t they? Be it movies, serials or even working in a top-notch corporate firm; they seem to lead on every front. Their analytical business skills place them a rank apart from men.
Tags: sex tonight, women for sex
This entry was posted on Saturday, March 24th, 2012 at 2:18 pm and is filed under adult sex, couples sex, sex tonight, sexual partner.
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